Structural Bodywork
Humans evolved to be standing creatures. The structure of our skeletons and how our muscles fit and work together are a reflection of this reality. Over the past 150 years, we have changed our habits so that the bulk of our waking hours are spent sitting. From a very young age we sit to learn, work, and relax. Over decades, our posture and structure change to reflect this seated reality and this brings a host of problems. Our muscles get stuck in undesirable lengthened or shortened positions, our spines take on excessive curvature, and our limbs fit onto our bodies less efficiently. We experience this as chronically tight shoulders, back pain, and nerve compression symptoms in our arms and legs.
Structural bodywork provides a framework for correcting these deviations using the tools of postural analysis, advanced massage techniques, and movement education. A session begins by demonstrating the misalignment in skeletal position and the underlying muscle imbalance. The therapist will show you how to activate your muscles using tactile and visual cues to put your body in the right position. Unlike traditional massage which focuses on ironing tension out of tight muscles, structural bodywork prioritizes putting tension back into weak, under performing muscles in order to balance the joint; it feels like strength training on a micro level. During the massage treatment, you will repeat the muscle activation techniques while the therapist works on you. This creates greater relief in the tight overworked muscles and reinforces nervous system learning and development of the weak muscles.
More than just massage, structural bodywork is skill learning that teaches you how to create force and manipulate the tension in your own body to better stand up to the demands of work, sport, and life.